Students come to Elmira from all around the world each year.

Located in the scenic southern Finger Lakes region of New York State, Elmira offers a collaborative and supportive learning environment that fosters lifelong learning, leadership, involvement in the community, and global engagement. 

Explore Your Academic and Career Interests 

Choose a program that fits your academic and career interests and goals! At EC, you can pick from a list of more than 40 academic programs, or mix and match programs to create an academic path that gets you started on the career path you want. 

With an average class size of 14 students, our smaller classes offer you the opportunity to receive a personalized educational experience and a chance to develop relationships that will last a lifetime. And with 97% of graduating students completing at least one career-related internship before graduating, you know you'll leave EC prepared for your future.

Explore Our Academic Programs 

Two male students work on laptops while two other male students work together around a wooden table

Term III

One of the unique features of Elmira College is our special third term in April and May, which offers students an opportunity to explore new curricular areas and provides a chance to travel domestically and abroad.

Explore Term III Options

A student works on a painting of a man and child
Students walk across campus

Life at Elmira College

Whether it’s in a classroom or a club, in a scientific field, or on a sports field, Elmira is your place to discover, grow, and find your purpose in the world. From arts and culture to game nights and DIY projects, Elmira’s campus is a hub of activity for students to connect with each other or take a break and recharge. Enjoy cultural celebrations like our Taste of Home events that feature foods from different cultures. Win prizes at a game night while supporting your favorite club or organization, take a yoga class, or participate in our intramural program, The Chuck Lawnsay's, named in honor of President Charles Lindsay.  

NCAA Division III Athletics Teams

Explore Our Clubs & Organizations

Part of the college experience is getting to know students from around the world and from all walks of life. And one of the best ways to do that is living on campus. Students who live on campus have higher GPAs due to the proximity of classes, faculty, and facilities like the library, allowing students to be more engaged.

Living on Campus

Make Elmira YOUR Place!

At Elmira, we celebrate who you are while preparing you for wherever you’re going. Here, you’ll do more than sit in lecture halls. You’ll gain the communication and critical thinking skills necessary for the professional world through hands-on, experiential learning. It’s all about giving you opportunities to be YOU.

Questions? Contact:
Mr. Patrick Gillette
Director of Admissions, Elmira College
(607) 735-1736

Schedule a Virtual Meeting With Me!

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