Looking for a small, close-knit campus filled with incredible, hands-on learning opportunities? Our Admissions Office can help make Elmira College YOUR place.
Looking for additional help paying for college? There are many opportunities for you to explore.
We want you to have every opportunity as you start your college journey, so we've compiled a list of outside resources that can help you financially along the way. This is just a small sample of the many scholarships available to you through different foundations and other organizations.
FastWeb | Peterson's Scholarship Database | Scholarship America | Dollars for Scholars
This information is provided for students and their families to start exploring external scholarship options. It does not constitute any endorsement by Elmira College.
Coca Cola Scholarship
For high school students pursuing any field of college study.
The Gates Foundation
For high school students with a minimum 3.3 GPA who are Pell Grant eligible.
Peterson's Undergraduate Scholarship
For high school students or adult learners pursuing any field of college study.
Big Future
For high school students, with additional opportunities for those from families with low income.
NYS Math & Science Teaching Incentive Program
For college students pursuing a career as a math or science teacher in secondary education.
For international students at all levels of education pursuing any field of college study.